First Lutheran Church of Red Wing
First National Bank
Central Park Condos

Design Build – Red Wing MN

Design Build makes Red Wing Construction your one-stop shop for building design and design build construction in Red Wing, MN. You deal directly with us and we are accountable only to you. With Design Build, we use our in-house design build team’s talent and decades of combined experience to take your project from conception to completion. We also offer a warranty program that ensures we are there in case you need additional support.

A “Partnered” Design Build Construction Delivery System

These involve two phases:

Phase I – Design and Budget

  • Owner Contacts Red Wing Construction to discuss building design

  • Owner hires Red Wing Construction to advise architects and provide value engineering

  • Red Wing Construction develops a Conceptual Estimate

  • Blueprints are developed within owners budget constraints

  • Red Wing Construction develops a building time line or construction schedule

  • Completed building plans, firm construction budget and time line prepared and project is ready to build

Phase II – Build

  • Red Wing Construction begins building for the Phase I budget (firm price)

  • Red Wing Construction selects sub-contractors using owners input

  • Architect completes shop drawings, provides periodic on-site inspections

  • Owner approves payments and conducts final walk through developing a “punch list”

  • Red Wing Construction completes “punch list”

  • Red Wing Construction receives “Certificate of Occupancy” and turns keys over to owner

  • Project complete- On Budget-On Time

Value Engineering

Never Panic

At Red Wing Construction Company, we truly do enjoy the challenge of bringing a project together, whether that means working with an owner’s pre-hired architect or from a fresh design-build concept. Of course, a project has to begin with a realistic budget, but often times an owner’s wish list can grow larger than their budget can afford. Don’t panic, this is when “Value Engineering” comes into play.

Value Engineering in construction is basically bringing a project back within budget, by carefully picking and choosing which parts of the project could possibly be omitted, completed in the future, re-engineered to reduce the cost, or even completed by the owner, without jeopardizing the overall integrity or function of the project scope. This approach has worked with residential projects as well as industrial and commercial.

Building regulations and code issues must always be met, but there are usually ways to lower the cost of a project. We at Red Wing Construction pride ourselves in working with owners and architects to do just that. A good value engineering example would be the interior and exterior finishes.

  • It’s often possible that finishes such as expensive interior wood wainscot or paneling and special wood trims can wait. Portions of exterior brick or stonework, possibly in the rear or less visible areas, can be applied at a later date by using less costly materials upfront.
  • Perhaps an interior folding sound partition, to separate one large space into two smaller spaces, might not be needed upon completion and could actually wait for the future.
  • Maybe a room or two can be left unfinished. Angles, arches, and odd shapes cost more money to build and finish than straight lines.

The project can certainly be built so it’s ready to accept these future finishes once funds become available, thus bringing the project within budget without taking drastic measures such as changing the entire design or the size of the facility.

There is sweat equity or self-performed duty’s an owner can choose to do as well, to help lower the overall cost. Final cleaning of the project or installing some existing cabinetry to be re-used, or placement of office furniture and owners re-used equipment, rough landscaping, etc… This can all add up.

These are only a few of many ideas and different ways to value engineer a project back within a set budget. All projects are different and require an individual close review, but remember, don’t panic! Take a long hard look. Usually, you’ll be able to make it happen by using “Value Engineering”.

Sincerely, RWCC Team